Guest Doodler Chris Klaxton!

Roger’s Starter Doodle



On the left that I hope will INSPIRE your INNER ARTIST to participate by submitting  YOUR sketch. Below is the second submission to arrive. Another of my brothers of the twelve notes has submitted his improvisation; Chris Klaxton is another true improvisor in music, art and life. Thanks Klax!

Please do YOUR doodle and send it on to me. Thanks for participating!


My Statement at the Gallows Pole by Chris Klaxton


It is especially fun for me to have other people share their doodles with me. The spontaneity of a doodle represents pure unselfconscious play. I smile as I see others marks move across the page. Your work sparks my imagination; I noticing the weight of a mark or the lyricism of a gesture, and then of course the tug between my unconscious observing right brain and my need to name, to label wrestling against my left brain’s attempt to overide my right lobe by looking for recognizable forms and nameable shapes.


Well it was final exam time for Chris Klaxton as he wrapped up his last semester of graduate school at the University of Miami. His doodle “My Statement at the Gallows Pole” perhaps reflects his feelings of being judged, measured and evaluated like someone at the ‘pearly gates.’ His doodle’s figure-like form recalls to me Michelangelo’s “Slaves,” the sculptor’s unfinished caryatids whose posture portays their emotional burden as well as the architectural burden. Well Chris, I know you have set those burdens down and are feeling lighter as you approach your new freedom and your new seasonal job performing with your quartet aboard the northern seas cruise liner. Thanks for doing a damned fine doodle.

I love it!

Doodles are so very personal. :  )

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