In these new works I’m mixing it up with aluminum plate, oil paint, wax, and polymer transfers of topographical and geologic maps. The impetus for these mixed media paintings was instigated by Artistree’s Gallery Director Adrian Tans.
Adrian mentioned that nobody had ever done a piece 2″ x 72″. I took up the challenge. While waiting for the paint to dry on the oblong Ascutney painting I completed the 8″x 8′. The exhibition: Small Works. One gallery call was for artwork measuring less than 144 sq. in. The second was for a piece painted on an 8″ x 8″ square panel. This show, 50 @ 50, was fifty paintings priced at fifty dollars each. This painting is based on the cross sectional geologic map of the Ascutney Mountain area. Ascutney Mountain is a relict volcanic cone belonging to the Mount Washington Geologic Series and is directly related to the Moat Mountain Series in Conway, New Hampshire.
The three surrounding pieces below are 3.5″ x 8″. The first painting is based loosely on the Ascutney Mountain surface geology with an overlay of its topographic counterpart. The second is a collage of pieces of an Ascutney surface geology map and a transfer of a very early Ascutney are topographical map. In this image all three are close to their actual size.

This painting is inspired by the Ascutney Mountain surface geology and is overlaid by a transfer of an old topographical map of the same area